Ozolagnia Hypnosis

ozolangia hypnosis

The other morning, C called me for a hypnosis phone session. C always seems to grab an erotic hypnosis phone sex session before work. His way of unwinding before the chaos of his day starts spend an hour in hypnotic bliss. The interesting thing about C’s hypnosis session is that a lot of it has to do about the phone sex fantasy but its the smell associated with the fantasy. The odors that he just can’t tell his partner hey won’t it be fun to go make love here. For C has an ozolagnia fetish where the stronger the odor the more aroused he becomes and for C its certain odors that drive him crazy.

Now that is where a hypnosis phone sex session comes in so perfect for I can work my trance and give C those smells he craves. I can weave those taboo smells into the phone sex fantasy role play and send C into an intense fantasy that has him wanting to explode so badly but wanting to hold on at the same time.

For who ever wants an hypnosis phone sex session to ever really end.

Come to think of it I think he purposely calls before work so he knows he cant keep begging for a longer ozolagnia hypnosis session. I mean those scents can become very intense and it would be hard to end the session when you in so much pleasure. Good on you for finding a system that works for you to control your pleasure time.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah