There are often times I over look certain erotic hypnosis calls as I am doing my blogs. Now it has nothing to do with not enjoying them or well not being memorable. Simply boils down to a few factors having so many amazing calls to choose from that I have a hard time picking and well being so busy with doing those fantasies I really get behind and forget. What can I say I am human.
Sure the ideal thing would be to log out and set aside blog time but really writing inspiration never shows up on a schedule haha. I wish it did some days. I know your going Savannah where is this going?
Well its going to this yellow post it note on my desk, that was tucked under my binder of assorted papers. It simply had “heel hormone hypno whore”. I dont expect you to understand the randomness of such a note but I know exactly who this was talking about. Which erotic hypnosis call it referred too.
One word.
She is someone who desires to be a transexual to feel those amazing feminine breast push up against her biceps as she is putting on her sunglasses. To look at heels be in on her feet and feel beyond feminine. For those heelรย unlock the hormones needed to be a girl. Not any girl for lets face it having a control stick between your legs is rather fun but to feel girlie is amazing.
To experience the ultimate in feminization hypnosis phone sex.
As with most my clients who call for erotic hypnosis fantasies, Dakota has been coming to me for quite some time and the feminization fantasy has transformed over the year/s to one of her craving to dive deeper in to her Dakota alter ego. Why not let that bitch out to play she is a fun whore after all.
Now I dont expect all feminization hypnosis phone sex calls to take a tranny spin but it is a fun little twist or a big one depending on the shemale you wanna be ๐ Hmm wonder how the lil sluts New Year’s was? Dakota if your reading this call me and fill me in on the heels you wore and how big of a whore you were.
AIM hypnoticfetish
I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience but AIM is the only messenger I am using currently.
My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)
I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.