Finding a True Hypno Mistress

This is going to be one of those different sort of hypnosis blogs today mainly cause something has been eating away at me for some time now. You all know that I am a big advocate for calling around various Hypno Mistress’ to see what trance works for you.

hypno mistress phone sex

I know my style of hypnotic trance doesnt work for everyone and dont claim it will. The style of trance works for me its something I have pieced together that works for me and my voice. Yes over the years I have tried to adopt different styles to fit clients wants but I realized it didnt fit with me and I had to be honest with myself. I either catered to all the trances or focused on one and rocked that style. So I opted to focus on one style n rock it!

Now I take erotic hypnosis very seriously this is a skill not everyone can pick up. Takes a certain speech pattern. The right voice. The right aural song and dance if you will that has you slipping into that deep state of trance.

What annoys me is girls coming into the scene that figure its nothing. They watch one or two youtube videos and go ya this should be a breeze no biggie.

Yes guys I know those girls exist out there and they frustrate me too. Which is why I advocate for you to read up on the girls who will be putting you under. Read their blogs. Read their profile. Do short calls with them if your unable to reach them via email. Do not be afraid to ask them questions about where they learned to hypnotize men. How long they have been doing hypnosis. In that short time figure out if you like their voice. If you feel comfortable. Chat about the fantasy you want to do. Do you think they can do your fetish/fantasy in general never mind the hypnosis part. Just down right interview them.

A serious Hypno Mistress will not be insulted by this. For someone like myself who takes the art of erotic hypnosis serious will be more than happy to answer those questions. I know personally I want to make you comfortable with opening up yourself to me.

Granted I never fully disclose how long I have been doing erotic hypnosis but lets face it you know for yourself just looking through my blog I have YEARS of experience. *wink*

Ok I am stepping off my soap box now. So as always I recommend a minimum of 30 minutes to do a hypnosis phone sex call but please do not hesitate to call me for a short get to know me session. I welcome the chance for you to get to know me and my love for erotic hypnosis. If you dont find your fetish in my blog I am definitely up for exploring it.

So my intention is not to make this a bitch post but more I hope help guide you into picking the Hypno Mistress that will suite your erotic hypnosis needs. Good luck in your search. The information to reach myself as always is below.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

hypno mistress

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotic Sleep Phone Sex

Hello Hypno Lovers

It was a long weekend here but its a known fact that the May long weekend is filled with rain. So I decided that I would just spend my weekend taking phone sex calls. An option that I really can never go wrong with. This weekend one of the new hypno callers that explored a hypnosis caller earlier in the week couldn’t quite stay away and was under my hypnotic spell yet again. Sneaking into the spare room in the middle of the night while his wife slept down the hall. His hypnotic craving was for some guided masturbation. Have to say I do love those secret calls.

The late nite hours brought me a caller that hasnt been under my hypnosis trance for awhile. Now normally I would be telling the details but there is really one part of the call that I sort of want to focus on. The last half of our 60 minute call. For R finds one of the main reason he seeks a call with me is the fact that its just so relaxing. My voice is very soothing. For one hour he is able to escape. To find some serenity within his chaotic day. “Savannah take me down the staircase please.” I am finding more and more are seeking the calming effects that a hypnosis call can have. That is not so much the fantasies but just taking the time an to experience the soothing comfort that a hypnotic voice can bring. To be able to guide him into my hypnotic cocoon. When he hung up the phone I knew he was well on his way to a wonderful hypnotic sleep.

As you can see phone hypnosis can be a variety of things. From exploring your sexual fantasies to spend some time unplugging from the craziness of the week. I have a wide fetishes that I cover and I if you don’t see your fantasy on my list then please message me at hypnoticfetish (aim/yim). Have to say that some of the fantasies that guys ask me to do end up being one amazing hypnosis session.

The key to remember with ahypnosis phone sex call is to take your time. This type of call can not and should not be rushed. With that in mind its important to book a minimum of a 30 minute call.

Well my afternoon is going to be listening to the hypnotic sounds of the rain falling against the window. The clouds opened up and its pouring. Debating a warm bath or a good book. I have a huge pile of books to read through. I am a vampire lover at heart and everyone that knows me knows this so when they spot a vampire book they generally pick it up for me. So my mom just showed up with a couple books, Night World by L.J Smith. I have found lately that I have been just grabbing some penthouse letters and reading those in the tub. I sort of go in phases with reading letters. The guy at the corner store will see me every month for 4 months then I will move on to reading different fluff type stuff then I will go back to craving the eroticism of the letters. I am really due for a new batch of magazines.  I have to plan a trip to Lush my bubble bar supply is diminishing. I am hooked on a new one actually the its a date. I bought it on a whim and then sort of regretted it but when your out of your favorites you start trying new ones.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah