Hello Hypno Lovers
Well it was a fun weekend filled with lots of hypnosis calls many booking 30 minute calls but realizing the enjoyment that an erotic hypnosis call can bring and extending their calls for more time. My weekend started with my caller from Florida seeking his unique fetish that works so wonderfully with hypnosis. He has a fascination for strong smells. That is what arouses him. The stronger the scent the harder his cock gets. Of course his Hypnotic Goddess always takes him for a journey through the farm country. The smell of the hay and other things. His hour long call always goes by so quickly. I look forward to your next call Mr. Florida.
Now before everyone gets scared and thinks that its only strong odors that I deal with. No not at all. Scent is one of those senses that can bring back a memory or heighten a sensation. Whether its the smell of a pussy, perfume, flowers, or cum. It can just add to the over all hypnosis experience. The fetish of olfactophilia is one that can definitely be explored with hypnosis.
I get alot of guys saying they wouldnt normally do this in real life but isnt that the point of phone sex to explore those things you wouldn’t do in real life to do them on the phone? Add in erotic hypnosis and its like your really doing it. The smells so strong. The sensations so intense. You can’t help but react. Allowing your self to just give in to your secret desires uninhibited. Thats what phone sex is all about. I love helping guys find that place.
As for my weekend of fun. Most guys who called me noticed that my sensually seductive voice was a bit raspier than normal. Well I was just getting over a cold and its seems that cold wasnt done with me and I ended up with laryngitis so I will be away for a few days while I give my voice a rest. Hopefully, I will be back to normal very soon. Manipulating minds as usual.
Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*
aim/yim hypnoticfetish