Hello Hypno Lovers
Just got off another wild phone sex hypnosis session with bathroom wanker who craves humiliation like no other. And rather than recreating a blog about our humiliating hypnosis call, I figured I would just copy and paste his exact words from his im. For sometimes coming straight from the little dick mouth makes it even hotter.
bathroom wanker: I’ve got an even BETTER one now…. get this:   I mentioned I am jealous of my friend brent. Dude is a model and he can pretty much fuck any girl he wants. I’m not gay, but the guy is a damn good looking man. LOL Even my friend with whom i lust after (jessica) asked for his number the second she saw his pics. Which makes me extremely jealous because I really want to fuck jessica.   Anyway, I swung by his place today and he had literally just finished banging the hottest supermodel girl i have ever seen.
bathroom wanker: So i went to his bathroom & stole his used condom from his trash (Magnum of course) and I have it here now. So I was wondering if you could hypnotize me again DEEP. Brainwash me, etc. And play the part of that PERFECT 10 supermodel teasing the shit out of me. I’ll hump the air… since I can never actually touch you… and then towards the end of the session… while I’m still under hypno, have me slip on his Magnum condom over my little dick and make me fuck the condom using his “real man” jizz. Maybe by cumming in his cum, my dick will become a real man’s dick.
bathroom wanker: That is the closest I’ll ever get to fucking a perfect 10 supermodel like that. Her amazing pussy juices on the outside that I just can’t touch… How pathetic is that? i’m fucking the condom he used to fuck a real supermodel and I’m just cumming in his cum. NOW HOW’S THAT FOR YOUR BLOG?! LOL
Savannah: lol awesome
bathroom wanker: Crazy, right? I mean, these is sadistic and nuts.
Pretty sure bathroom wanker is wishing he could stroke right now. Reading his im in full blog glory. That is as he is thinking of another creative humiliating fantasy. This one was pretty intense.
Thanks for sharing!
aim/yim hypnoticfetish