Feminization Phone Sex Hypnosis with Savannah

Feminization phone sex is fun.

Feminization phone sex hypnosis is even more fun. Nothing hotter and well more enjoyable for me than to take you into that deep mindless state of hypnosis and have you slip into being the ultimate sissy boy. To lose all sense of masculinity. Make your cock no longer work with your mere thoughts. For it is I who controls it now.

My thoughts.

My words.

You simply obey my hypnotic command.

To just lay there and allow yourself to enjoy the transformation from being a man into a woman.

feminization phone sex hypnosis

Sure it can start out slow with just slipping you into a feminization phone sex hypnosis trance and have you desiring to ditch those boxer briefs you were on a daily basis for something more sexy. Bikini panties with a sheer back perhaps.

Then once you follow that order you will move on to the next. A slow transition that will have you struggling for you know they are not your thoughts but you are turned on by following them.

Then there is the time you spend with me.

Granted this is not a quick hypnotic trance. This is something that will take some time for the best results happen when you build on your desire to be feminized. Taking you down and implanting those womanly thoughts. Course while your down there allowing you to explore. Hmm perhaps the best way to say it is get a sensation of what the final outcome will be.

From me letting you feel your new body while your  under my feminization phone sex hypnotic trance. Yes that gets you excited now doesnt it. The idea that you will fall even deeper down that hypnotic staircase for me when you get a feel of how your body reacts to your new form.

So while you thinking about what you want to look like. I shall leave you with the information on how to reach me.

Remember just ask for Savannah when you call the number below.

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

feminization phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah