For those that have been followers of my erotic hypnosis phone sex blog know this is my anniversary month. The start to my great and wonderful journey into becoming the ultimate Hypno Goddess that I am now! Kidding. Kind of.
What started as a dare to end the relentless teasing from various friends has turned into a full time gig. Who would of thought. Now normally my blog is based on giving hypnosis tips or topics I have covered in calls or the odd fantasy. Today thought I would do more a fun facts about me type blog. Who knows if you like it I may grow to do more of them or random postings on my Twitter. Which is how this one started after a Fun Fact about never watching Groundhog Day the movie with Bill Murray (really hoping I have the right actor with that).
15 Fun Facts about your Hypno Goddess:
- I eat in bed. When heading off to bed I take a snack with me.
- Not a horror movie fan but love vampire stuff.
- Rather run/walk the trails than do the gym thing.
- Not into camping. I do love spending time in a cabin on the water be it lake or ocean.
- Have a sunglass fetish. Always adding to my collection.
- Love animals but more a cat person.
- Am a nite owl, love how quiet the world is after midnight.
- When I write prefer pen to paper over using my ipad/computer. When blogging its desktop all the way.
- Have 2 rescue cats.
- Dont care for country music
- Halloween is my favorite holiday
- Toenails always have polish on them but rarely wear polish on my fingernails.
- Not a fan of Adam Sandler.
- Love spring and fall. The sun is shining but there is still that cool crispness to the air.
- The ocean is my favorite smell and place.
Oh and I managed to make not one of them sexual. Are you impressed? You were probably hoping I would divulge a little tidbit on my sex life/preferences. Sorry to disappoint. Maybe next time?
Anyways its been an awesome year of hypnotic phone sex calls. As always thank you for keeping things interesting and entertaining. Look forward to another wild year of sexual phone sex adventures.
Just ask for Savannah
My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)
I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.