Push your boundaries.
Such an interesting statement and it means different things to each person.
For some its pushing them into an area they are uncomfortable with. Some fantasy or fetish that they often dont let them self explore or maybe are too afraid to admit to themselves that they are turned on by it. Some how exploring it with a sensual domme on the phone allows them to feel they have no control over what arouses them or they can write it off that its her control that got them off not that subject.
Then there are those that want to explore their own fetishes and fantasies deeper. They are enjoying the journey. Become intoxicated by the arousal as they let them self go and give into all the fetish has to offer.
Where does erotic hypnosis come into play with someone pushing their boundaries?
Well simple it allows you to lower your inhibitions around those boundaries. Now I will say here I will not be able to make you do anything your not comfortable with or things your dead set against. Nor would I. I believe in building a level of trust with my client and only thing will boundary exploration happen for your mind will feel that leave of comfort to push past things. Its not something to leap into.
However, when your is in that deep state of relaxation and those fantasies or fetishes that interest you. Intrigue you. Perk your interest are discussed or explored then I will push. Small at first. Minor little add ons into our regular fantasy play. When you feel comfortable with how arousing that is then I will add in more.
Will fully admit that I may hold back depending on what the boundary is you wish to explore depending on how nervous you appear on the phone discussing it with me. Various times through our erotic hypnosis phone sex call I will check in with you and if I sense your excitement is to push those boundaries more then I will do so. See as much as I am pushing your boundaries your guiding the experience through your arousal.
How we get to the arousal state is up to you. Be it you think I took you there and you had no control over the pushing or well you spiraled into it. Both are fun.
Are you ready to push your boundaries?
Please remember if your new to an erotic hypnosis trance with myself to book a minimum of 30 minutes for its never any fun to have to rush the trance.
Just ask for Savannah
My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)
I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.