Now I know the title hypnotic phone sex girlfriend will have you going WTF Savannah?
Bear with me a moment. Part of this blog title goes against my whole go out and try various hypnosis girls but I still stand by shop around when it comes to finding the right trance and voice that works for you. However, there is a trend once you find that girl who can put you under with ease that you stick with her and she becomes your phone sex girlfriend so to say.
Now the word girlfriend can mean so many things depending on who you are but that friendly voice on the other end of the line who just gets you. Gets your fantasy, there is no re-explaining your fetish or fantasies. There is often continuing off on the same fantasy you had last week or using it as a jump off point for the new phone sex adventure you been thinking about.
With hypnosis especially the sense of gfe is not having to repeat the induction over and over again unless you want too. There is also that sense of familiarity that builds trust so that your able to fall into a deeper trance.
One of the things I pride myself on is ensuring those that call me get the ultimate hypnotic experience be them new or seasoned clients. Granted when someone calls me a bit there is the little jokes that start to form. There is the knowing of the boundaries and respecting them unless my guy wishes to push them.
All these things create a hypnotic phone sex girlfriend experience. The ability to grown and explore with someone. To continue on with the tide and true fantasy or seeking to explore something they are nervous about doing in real life.
Each is special in their own way and I hope that when you call for an erotic hypnosis fantasy you discover that our first session will only be the start of an amazing experience together.
Please remember if your new to an erotic hypnosis trance with myself to book a minimum of 30 minutes for its never any fun to have to rush the trance.
Just ask for Savannah
My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)
I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.