There is one thing you will hear me say over the years is I love the randomness and surprises my encounters are during erotic hypnosis phone sex. It could be chatting with someone who feels like a long lost friend all the way to exploring a new fantasy with the use of hypnosis. Every day is a new adventure and it makes signing in a hell of a lot of fun.
This was never more true that a late night mind fuck phone sex session with W it had been a long orgasm edging session where he was about to lose his mind. That isnt anything new when someone calls for an intense orgasm denial session, but W had been going on a few weeks of suffering with blue balls.
All the taking him to the edge had his mind swirling and apparently he was drooling as well, for all of a sudden our call was muffled and couldnt hear him any more. Both of us were recreating that old cell phone service commercial of ages ago, Hello are you there? Can you hear me now?
Once he got himself sorted out and our connected was better. He could once again hear my sultry voice whispering in his ear found out he had drooled into the mic on his headset.
Well that did it for us.
The flow of the call had been lost and we were now both giggling fools laughing over the need to practice safe sex even on the phone. The vision of him wrapping up a condom over his mic had our very vivid imaginations running wild.
Luckily for W the giggle break was at the right time for he was rather close to that edge of orgasmic delight and us laughing over something very silly had his balls ready for another round.
Perhaps it was one of those you had to be there to find the humor in it all but W I did tell you I would do a blog post about safe phone sex practices. Well kind of our version was far more indepth. This is merely a tease….. Just like me.
Just ask for Savannah
My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)
I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.