Once again Bathroom Wanker is back for a deep intense humiliating hypnosis session. Our last call he had made a pocket pussy it was something he had found on the world wide perverted web which in all honestly was rather surprised he was able to pull himself away from the barely legal princesses in bikini and lingerie long enough to google something else. Course I am sure his hand was getting exhausted and he did need something else to pump his useless cock into since over the years of my erotic hypnosis he is unable to find pleasure in his wife’s pussy now.
We have done a few phone conversations around this home made pocket pussy which consists of some towels wrapped up and duct tape, sure there is more but really I am laughing to hard to really get a good view of it. Nor do I care what the fuck he is jabbing his dick into as long as its not a real pussy.
So in our conversation about where his cum will go Wanker mentioned he saw one of those ads for a flesh light and was hoping I would grant him the joy of purchasing one. Hmmm see I knew his hand was getting bored of the same stroking day in and out. Needed something new.
Now with all the mind fucking that is going on I was debating would a flesh light be the way to go?
Could work up an erotic hypnosis fantasy where Wanker would no longer want to fuck a pussy but one of those plastic dick lights?
Of course I can!
So began the joy of picking out the perfect flesh light for him. For there are various models etc. Now if you are one of my hypno slaves there will be a link on the bottom of the blog for you to have a look at all they have to offer and even pick out your own flesh light.
Well then became the long wait for the toy. Would his wife find it. Would she open it?
Honestly with being so close to Christmas I rather doubted it but unless she is one of those nosey girls that opens it without your knowledge to see what gift you have bought them. I have done that 😉
Well the flesh light arrived and true to form she was the one to hand him the box. Yup. Extra fun and excitement in the humiliation factor.
The moment that box was in his hand Wanker just knew he had to call and get his mind fucked with. To dip his cock into that sweet flesh light and have his favourite Hypno Mistress brain wash him into never wanting a real pussy again.
All of which I was more than happy to do. I mean its involving the humiliation of a wanker so right there I am all about ensuring he had no desires to fuck another pussy. Think of it my public service for other women out there. Especially his wife. She should be sending me thank you gifts cause I have seen what she has had to endure.
Your welcome!
True to form Bathroom Wanker had set that flesh light up into some contraption of towels to make it look like he was fucking something other than a pocket pussy. When I saw him on cam for the first time I just broke out into laughter. It was the most hilarious thing ever.
I could keep going on and on about my erotic hypnosis phone sex call with Bathroom Wanker but I think I will stop there for I am sure he is already wanking off with his flesh light and well you are eager to purchase your own for a sweet humiliating brain washing call with myself.
Till the next time!
AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish
I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 11am – 2am PST.
I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.