Hello Hypno Lovers
Its one of those days where I am sitting here debating what to do. Got up late from a night of hypnotizing men and well the plans I had made before have to drastically change. I was going to go hit up a farmer’s market to day but considering my sexy ass is finding its way out of bed after its closed down. Well you can see how well that is going to go.
So how did my fingers find their way to the key board. I am not sure really guess it was one of those things as I sit here checking my emails and answering a few instant messages to line up a few calls for later. But as I was answering some messages that I got one from someone brand new to erotic hypnosis. Course I never have issues answering questions someone may have regarding what to expect with hypno but sometimes the concerns or worries they may have can not be explained away over instant message.
Its literally one of those things where you call and talk to me you find out how relaxing and at ease you will be with me. In that moment that I started to wonder what I always wonder with a new person to hypnosis what had them seeking out an erotic hypnosis phone sex call?
I generally ask someone that cause I am always curious how someone new to the fetish sort of stumbles upon it. Since phone sex is one of those things that rarely gets talked about amongst friends. Was it one of those things where you were googling for one fetish you enjoy and then landed on a hypno phone site? Or did a girl you talk to introduce you to the idea?
These questions might seem odd to you but to me they open up a wonderful view into your mind and give me an idea of where to take the call. For each question I ask you gives me a glimpse of where I should take you. What style of hypnosis would suite you be it more erotic story telling or more trigger based.
So for those who follow my blog give it a thought… What got you interested in hypnosis fantasies?
While I decided what mischief I get into today.
Course I thinking my dog would love it if one of my mischievous adventures was to the pet store for some dog food and some treats.
I shall be on later tonight probably a bit later than usually say after 8 pm PST or 11 pm EST.
aim/yim hypnoticfetish