Hello Hypno Lovers
Savannah I want to be a cocksucker!
Well no need to ask what he wanted to do with a hypnosis phone sex call. It was all about taking my wanna be cock sucker and firstly creating a hypnotic fantasy that has him the slut of the glory hole. Allowing him to taste the precum off every dick that slid through that wall. Every sense ignited with the possibilities. Secondly, letting that intense of the hypnosis fantasy open his mind up enough to plant my post hypnotic triggers. Now its to sit back and let those suggestive triggers work. For I know the next hypnosis call he makes will starts out with I AM a cocksucker! And shall include all the details of how he was a glory hole slut.
I know that he isnt the only wanna be cock sucker out there. That there are quite a few that are wondering what it would be like to suck a cock. Well how about booking a cock sucking hypo phone sex call and wonder no more.
aim/yim hypnoticfetish