Hello Hypno Lovers
Well I will say I am in the process of setting up this site. Its still missing that certain touch of Savannah, so hopefully in the next few weeks it will be all perfect. But I couldnt wait for the finishing touches before letting others be subjected to the addictive world of erotic hypnosis. Can you blame me really? This amazing fetish that so many are reading about and wanting to know more and crave and hunger for. Well I welcome new callers. I adore them really. Nothing like taking a caller who is new and nervous and just putting them not into a relaxed state for a call but to actually calm their nerves enough to be able to open their minds to allow my hypnotic triggers in. Now that is where the excitement begins.
So happy reading over the blogs and stay tuned for changes for those will be happening over the next few weeks. Fingers crossed.
I can’t wait to get my hypnotic triggers into your mind.
Ask for Savannah
2.50/minute with a 10 minute minimum
aim/yim hypnoticfetish